Product documentation
Maintenance Management Planned Maintenance


An important step in the Maintenance process is to keep track of preventive maintenance for the equipment. This chapter describes how to create planned maintenance Work Orders and tasks. Basically, the task is created which will automatically create the work order.
To set up, go to Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Maintenance schedule > Maintenance Schedule

Maintenance Schedules 

Schedule type

There are two types of schedules, frequency and manual.
Frequency: Number of visits in a period, e.g. 2 times a year, once a month.

Manual: Visit lines define manually operations, to be used outside of the normal scheduled maintenance (not active yet). Adding operations on a task, may in future versions be limited to only operations from the manual schedules.

Maintenance plan type

There are two types of maintenance plans, static and dynamic
Static: When the plan is of the type static, the proposed dates of the maintenance tasks will stay the same as defined in the maintenance plan.

Dynamic: When the plan is of the type dynamics, the proposed date of the next maintenance task will be update based on the realization date of the previous maintenance task. I.e. when you normally do maintenance every first of the month and one of the tasks is realized on the third of the month, the next maintenance task will be proposed based on this realized date and therefore will also be on the third of the month.

Maintenance Plans

To create a maintenance plan for your equipment, the equipment and the maintenance schedule are linked together. 
Go to Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Maintenance Plans.
At the creation of a maintenance plan, a maintenance schedule can be chosen. The equipment on which the maintenance plan is applicable can be selected at the Equipment selection tab.
After creating the maintenance plan, the preventive maintenance can be forecasted using the Create forecast button. Doing so, the system will start calculating the preventive maintenance, based on the setup made in het Maintenance schedule.

The reference date used for the calculation of usage is found using the following sequence. If the first date cannot be found, it continues to the next step:
Last visit date (Task realization)
Date Purchased (Equipment)
Start date (Equipment)
Rollout start date (Maintenance plan)

Based on the reference date, it starts looking for meter reading from the primary meter connected to the equipment. The system will create planned maintenance based on the last two valid readings. Readings registered for dates in the future are not considered.


When the parameter skips first visit selected and the roll out date is the reference date, the first calculated visit will be neglected in planning the maintenance. This can be useful in cases that equipment is newly installed and doesn’t need maintenance in the first period. (Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Parameters > General)

Planned Maintenance

Normally planned maintenance Work Orders and tasks are created in a batch job. This is done is the planned maintenance session in the periodic menu.
Go to Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Periodic tasks > Planned maintenance

A list of Unique visit ID`s are presented. At the top of the form, are several filters which can be used to filter for which visits Maintenance Task needs to be created or needs to be viewed. The filter will be activated with the Lock tick box.

Task created: shows already created tasks.
Eventcode: shows visit ID`s and/or tasks per eventcode.
Date: shows visit ID`s and/or tasks from/on this date.
Overview period: shows visit ID`s and/or tasks for this period.

When the filter is set correctly it is a matter of selecting one or multiple visit ID lines (using shift or CTRL button) and select Create task to create a Work Order and Maintenance Task. An Infolog will inform which task ID`s are created.
Besides creating the task, it is also possible to cancel the visit by selecting the visit ID line and clicking the Cancel button. When the task is already created the Create task button is greyed out. Then it is possible to select Task or Work Order details to open the created task or work order.
The Details and References displays detailed information about the task, the Equipment and the visit schedule. The Infolog informs the user if there are Operations set for this visit. This is also visible in the Lines tab page and, more important, in the visit ID grid on the right part of the form.